I’m a laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi for 25 + years; done 3,000 + lap-surgeries; and do about 200 + every year.
Laparoscopic surgery in Delhi I do are total hysterectomy (TLH); myomectomy; cystectomy; recanalization; prolapse repair. And hysteroscopic tubal cannulation; myomectomy; and synthiolysis.
Lap-surgery is a non-intuitive motor skill that is difficult to learn. The surgeon must strive hard to master this technology. The success of a surgery has “significant and positive correlation with surgeon experience.” And though “Quantity alone is not a guarantee of quality, it is an indication of competency,”
So do ask your surgeon how many lap-surgeries she has done; and how many she does every year (minimum recommended is 50 per year).
All gynecologic-surgery can be done with laparoscopy.
But just because it can be done, does not mean it should be done. Your surgeon evaluates which surgery – open or laparoscopic – is optimum for you. Sometimes a case taken up for laparoscopic surgery may have to be converted to open surgery because when the surgeon gets a view inside the body she finds that the problem or anatomy is different than what she expected.
Lapa-surgery is done through small (0.5–1.5 cm) incisions. So healing/recovery time, pain, the risk of infection and hospitals stay is lesser, though the surgery-time is longer.
Risks and complications of laparoscopic and open surgery are the same.